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    Wednesday, August 27, 2008

    Extreme blog makeover.

    Hey everyone!

    In addition to sprucing up (tabs! So many tabs...) we also have moved Rock Blogster off the BDN web site, and onto BlogSpot - so change your bookmarks accordingly. We're now at the much more manageable, instead of the gobbledy gook that was the old URL.

    What else is new? Well, there was the Folk Festival, which was a blast, as always (check out the site tomorrow for some video footage, shot by yours truly and BDN photog John Clarke Russ). We got totally excited about some new shows that are coming up in Maine. We marveled at Michael Phelps' torso. We pulled out a henley from the bottom of the shirt drawer in our dresser, since it's gettin' kinda chilly out there. We fell in love with two new bands - Made Out of Babies and Hercules and Love Affair, who couldn't possibly be more different from one another. And, we did the one thing that makes any summer complete: sat by a bonfire, had a couple frosty cold brews and were bitten mercilessly by mosquitoes. Thanks for rocking with us for the summer of 2008. Hope yours was as good as mine!

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